PT. Dering Suara Indonesia

voIP Communications Expert



Yeastar TA100 and TA200 FXS ATA’s provide 1 or 2 analog interfaces for residential users and small business to convert existing analog equipment to IP-based networks cost effectively. The Yeastar TA Series analog telephone adapters are ideal for small business to achieve quick and easy connections to existing analog devices within a VoIP network. Use these in conjunction with both Yeastar and non-Yeastar manufactured IP Phone systems to connect fax machines, and analog telephones.

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Ruko Pisa Grande 1 - Blok C.17 - Gading Serpong, Jl. Ir. Sukarno, Curug Sangereng, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810 Indonesia | Telp: +6221 50201197 | Mo/WA: +6285102229197 | eMail: